Unfinished Circles

B-Ebene. Underground Stories

Ballade N.N.

30' documentation of durational Performance "Ballade N. N."

Trailer of the durational performance "Ballade N.N.“

21 Songs in a Public Surrounding

Short Excerpt from "21 Songs in a Public Surrounding - Wiener Fassung 2023"

Short Trailer of "21 Songs", Frankfurt version

Early Reflections. Hörtheater aus dem Untergrund

Teaser of the Premiere

Trailer of the Premiere

Big World Small People

Film by Gagik Ghazareh and Hannes Seidl


Short Video with "leise dröhnung"

Brave Chords

Premiere Recording of the piece "Brave Chords" by Ensemble Proton

We Can Be Heroes

Documentation of "We Can Be Heroes"

Befreit die Maschinen

Marc Behrens & Hannes Seidl live @ Orbit24, 08.07.2023

The Artist barks, the train goes on

Video Remix of Mikhail Gulins work "The Artist barks, but the train keeps going"

You Are Here! Neue Klänge für ein zerstreutes Publikum

Naturtonreihe 1-3

trugschluss Brausebad
Eine audiovisuelle Soundinstallation

Premiere im Rahmen des 360° Festivals der Münchner Philharmoniker
Sonntag, 02. Februar 2020
Muffatgelände München

Für dieses Projekt hat trugschluss Rausch-Arbeiten von folgenden Komponist*innen beauftragt:
Yiran Zhao | Uwe Rasch | Neo Hülcker | Gunnar Geisse | Isabelle Cohn | Benoît and the Mandelbrots | Kirstine Lindemann | Georg Nussbaumer | Sebastian Berweck | Jonas Urbat | Julia Mihály | Ole Hübner | Annesley Black | Hannes Seidl | Felix Kruis | hans w. koch

Für uns. Für uns.

Track from the cycle "Für uns. Für uns"

Song from the cycle "Für uns. Für uns" from Hannes Seidl. Performed by JodlKlub (Elisabeth Gabriel, Liese Lyon, Johanna Milz) & Hannes Seidl

Song based on the cycle "Für uns. Für uns". Performed by Holger Falk, Julia Mihály and Hannes Seidl

Song based on the cycle "Für uns. Für uns". Performed by Julia Mihály and Hannes Seidl

Electronic music from the cycle "Für uns. Für uns."

Song based on the cycle "Für uns. Für uns" Performed by Julia Mihály & Hannes Seidl

Song based on the cycle "Für uns. Für uns" Performed by Julia Mihály, Hannes Seidl, Jodelclub and other Friends.

Sechs Grußpostkarten an David von dem Weg, den ich gebraucht habe, um alles dafür notwendige zu kaufen (mit zwei Umwegen)

Dokumentation der Postkarten an David (ohne Performance)


Trailer der Produktion "Überläufer*"

Fluss (Stadt Land)

Sandris Murins interview with composer Hannes Seidl on his perspective on composing, composer life and trends in contemporary art music.

1. What is your musical idea and signature?
2. What are your criteria for a good musical composition?
3. What is your process of composing?
4. What you as a composer fear the most?
5. Why do you still compose?
6. Looking 10 years back, what are the changes in your musical idea? And . how would you explain them?
7. How development of technologies has influenced your music?
8. What are the biggest changes in music composition (in general) in last 25 years?
8. How audience of new music has changed (in general) in last 25 years?
9. What are the main future trends (or trajectories) in new music now? Who shapes them?
10. What is the role of new music in society, now?

Trailer from the premiere performances at Akademie der Künste Berlin, September 2019

Virtual Reality Musiktheater von Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl

Land (Stadt Fluss)

Sandris Murins interview with composer Hannes Seidl on his perspective on composing, composer life and trends in contemporary art music.

1. What is your musical idea and signature?
2. What are your criteria for a good musical composition?
3. What is your process of composing?
4. What you as a composer fear the most?
5. Why do you still compose?
6. Looking 10 years back, what are the changes in your musical idea? And . how would you explain them?
7. How development of technologies has influenced your music?
8. What are the biggest changes in music composition (in general) in last 25 years?
8. How audience of new music has changed (in general) in last 25 years?
9. What are the main future trends (or trajectories) in new music now? Who shapes them?
10. What is the role of new music in society, now?

Musiktheater von Daniel Kötter & Hannes Seidl

The Only Way Is Up, Baby

The Only Way Is Up. Baby WP Live recording @ Klang Festival Copenhagen Kamilya Jubran: Voice | Lisa Marie Vogel: Violin | Alexandra Hallén: Cello | Sherif el Razzaz: Clarinet | Mohammed Arafa: Tabla


Hörstück von mit und über HS

Stadt (Land Fluss)

Potcast des Mousonturm Frankfurt. Eva Königshofen im Gespräch mit Gerhild Steinbuch und Hannes Seidl

Sandris Murins interview with composer Hannes Seidl on his perspective on composing, composer life and trends in contemporary art music.

1. What is your musical idea and signature?
2. What are your criteria for a good musical composition?
3. What is your process of composing?
4. What you as a composer fear the most?
5. Why do you still compose?
6. Looking 10 years back, what are the changes in your musical idea? And . how would you explain them?
7. How development of technologies has influenced your music?
8. What are the biggest changes in music composition (in general) in last 25 years?
8. How audience of new music has changed (in general) in last 25 years?
9. What are the main future trends (or trajectories) in new music now? Who shapes them?
10. What is the role of new music in society, now?

Musiktheater von Daniel Kötter & Hannes Seidl

Good Morning Deutschland

Dokumentation von Jakob Bauer und Adrian Schmidt


von Daniel Kötter/ Hannes Seidl, 60' HD, 2016

ingolf #1 - #6 [Dokumentation des sechsteiligen Musiktheaterzyklus] ©Kötter/Seidl

ingolf #1 wohnt allein [Trailer] ©Kötter/Seidl

ingolf #2 geht arbeiten [Trailer] ©Kötter/Seidl

ingolf #3 wohnt [Trailer] ©Kötter/Seidl

ingolf #4 zieht aus [Trailer] ©Kötter/Seidl

ingolf #5 macht Freunde [Trailer] ©Kötter/Seidl

ingolf #6 geht auf die Bühne [Trailer] ©Kötter/Seidl


documentation of the show in Frankfurt LAB, 2016

Musiktheater von Daniel Kötter & Hannes Seidl

Heavy Metal

Gelöschte Masse

Wunsch. A Tribute to Helmut Lachenmann

8 Gefühle.
A tribute to Helmut Lachenmann


Musiktheater von Daniel Kötter & Hannes Seidl

Grüße aus dem 11. Stock

Mehr als die Hälfte

Hannes Seidl spricht mit Carolin Naujocks über sein Orchesterstück Mehr als die Hälfte für Deutschlandradio Kultur

Mitschnitt der UA

Die letzten 25 Jahre in No.1 Hits der deutschen Jahrescharts dargestellt durch Karlheinz Stockhausens Studie 2 5x


Musiktheater von Daniel Kötter & Hannes Seidl


mixtape, gespielt von Decoder Ensemble, Video von Score Follower

music video to mixtape by Ensemble This Ensemble That

decoder ensemble spielt mixtape live

Ausschnitt der Uraufführung durch Souno Mobile

Dies ist die Geschichte von einem Mann ...

Es geht besser besser. Elektronische Musik in zwei Teilen - Quartett Version

KNM Live@Radialsystem

KNM Live@Radialsystem



Falsche Freizeit. Elektronische Arbeitsplätze für den Ruhestand

Musiktheater von Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl

Das Wetter in Offenbach

Hörstück von Thomas Stiegler und Hannes Seidl

I herz Gießen

Hörstück I Herz Gießen (2010)

Aus Anlass den Auftraggeber enttäuschen, um ihn zu erfreuen

Part 1 by Hannes Seidl. Piano: Weronika Krowka

Part 2 by Martin Schüttler. Piano: Weronika Krowka

Zwischen den Ohren


Für großes Orchester, Fernorchester und Zuspielungen.
Mitschnitt der UA durch das HR-Sinfonieorchester, Leitung: Arturo Tamayo

Film für übers Sofa

Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl


Die Illusion zu erzeugen, dass die Zeit dynamisch und bedeutsam vergeht

Live Recording of the premiere. Percussion: Frank Thomé

Angst, und den Versuch sie zu Verdrängen (großes Solo)

Premiere-Recording of String Quartet "Angst, und den Versuch sie zu verdrängen" (2004)

Die Anderen - Jetzt Neu!

Die Anderen - Jetzt Neu! Studio production. Piano: Sebastian Berweck


Twisted Strip

live performance from Leopold Hurt